Wester. J. (in press). Public understanding of social-ecological systems in Biscayne Bay. Plos One.
Wester. J., Turffs, D., Jerome, J., Elliot, J., & Macdonald, C. (in press). Development and Downstream Ecosystems: An Analysis of Media Discourse in Florida. Environmental Communication.
Macdonald, C., McEntee, K., Wester, J. (2023) Values, attitudes, and media exposure: public perception of sharks and shark conservation in the USA. Biological Conservation, 286, 110305.
Reamer, M., Macdonald, C., Wester, J., Shriver-Rice, M. (2023) Whales for sale: A discourse analysis of American whale watching operators’ websites. Tourism in Marine Environments, 18(1-2), 1-2.
Wester, J., Broad, K., Backe, K., Moore, A., Fielding, R., Macdonald, C., Callwood, K., Mills, D., J. Jacquet., Then, A., Taufek, H. (in press) “Culture and historic value as ways of understanding complex human health-ocean linkages” in L. Fleming, L. Rabbottini, M. Depledge, L. A. Creencia, W.H. Gerwick, H.C. Goh, V. Gordon, M.O. Gribble, B. Maycock, H. Solo-Gabriele (Eds.), Oceans and Human Health. Elsevier.
Wester. J., Turffs, D., Jerome, J., Elliot, J., & Macdonald, C (2023). Tourism and Downstream Ecosystems: An Analysis of Media Discourse in Florida. Annals of Tourism Research: Empirical Insights.
Wester. J. & Macdonald, C. (2023). Environmental problems and solutions in Florida: A survey of key public attitudes. Ambio.
Wester, J., Shiffman, D., Turffs, D., & Macdonald, C. (2022). “A human values issue”: Actors, Arguments and Regulatory Change in the Florida Land-Based Shark Fishery. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
Saltzman, J., Graham, J., Wester, J., White, E.R., & Macdonald, C. (2022) #Sawfish: Social Media to Assess Public Perceptions, Behaviors, and Attitudes Towards a Critically Endangered Species. Frontiers in Conservation Science.
Wester, J., Turffs, D., McEntee, K., Pankow, C., Perni, N., Jerome, J., Macdonald, C. (2022). Agriculture and downstream ecosystems in Florida: an analysis of media discourse. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Shiffman, D. S., Elliott, J. N., Macdonald, C. C., Wester, J. N., Polidoro, B. A., & Ferry, L. A. (2022). The next generation of conservation research and policy priorities for threatened and exploited chondrichthyan fishes in the United States: An expert solicitation approach. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(3), e12629.
Macdonald, C., Jerome, J., Perni, N., Pankow, C.J., Shiffman, D.S., Black, K., & Wester, J. (2021). Discovery of a probable great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) nursery in Northern Biscayne Bay, Florida. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(8), e418.
Shiffman, D. S., Macdonald, C. C., Wester, J. N., Walsh, M. B., Chevalier, A., Kachelriess, D., & Friedman, K. J. (2021). Marine species conservation at CITES: How does media coverage inform or misinform?. Marine Policy, 134, 104813.
Pate, J. H., Macdonald, C., & Wester, J. (2021). Surveys of recreational anglers reveal knowledge gaps and positive attitudes towards manta ray conservation in Florida. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(6), 1410-1419.
Pankow, C. J., Macdonald, C. C., Shiffman, D. S., Wester, J., & Abel, D. (2021). Stable Isotopic Dynamics of Juvenile Elasmobranchs in a South Carolina Nursery Area. Southeastern Naturalist, 20(1), 92-104.
Wester, J., & Broad, K. (2021). Direct potable water recycling in Texas: case studies and policy implications. Journal of environmental policy & planning, 23(1), 66-83.
Macdonald, C., & Wester, J. (2021). Public understanding of wildlife tourism: Defining terms, harms, and benefits. Journal of Ecotourism, 20(2), 198-209.
Macdonald, C., & Wester, J. (2020). What Makes a Panther a Panther?: Genetics, Human Perceptions, and the Complexity of Species Categorization. Nature and Culture, 15(1), 19-31.
Macdonald, C. & Wester, J. (2019). Public perceptions of the hybridization of polar (Ursus maritimus) and grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 1-1
Hammerschlag N., Skubel R., Calich H., Nelson E.R., Shiffman D.S., Wester J., Macdonald C., Cain S., Jennings L., Enchaelmaier A., Gallagher A.J. (2016) Nocturnal and crepuscular behavior in elasmobranchs: a review of movement, habitat use, foraging, and reproduction in the dark. Bulletin of Marine Science, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5343/bms.2016.1046
Wester, J., Timpano, K., Cek, D., & Broad, K. (2016) The Psychology of Recycled Water: Factors Predicting Disgust and Willingness to Use. Water Resources Research. 52, 3212–3226, doi:10.1002/2015WR018340.
Wester, J. Morality, Emotion, and Policy Making: Environmental Decision Making about Recycled Water (doctoral thesis). University of Miami, United States.
Wester, J., Timpano, K., Cek, D., Lieberman, D., Fieldstone, S., & Broad, K. (2015). Psychological and Social Factors Associated with Wastewater Reuse Emotional Discomfort. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 42: 16-23.
Shiffman, D.S., Gallagher, A.J., Wester, J., Macdonald, C.C., Thaler, A.D., Cooke, S.J., Hammerschlag, N. (2014). Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction: A way forward building on a history of conservation. Marine Policy 50: 318-322.